The idea of creating a new European aerospace center arose from the need to join forces between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). After the onset of the international economic crisis and NASA’s failure to find a replacement for its space shuttles, it became clear that either Europe and the United States would ally and join forces or the space race was in danger of stalling. Or worse, being relegated to second place behind new space powers like China.
Several countries competed for the location of these facilities but in the end it was Spain that won, it is rumored that thanks to the excellent relationship between the new president Manuel Alonso and his American counterpart Elliot Powell.
Construction work began in October 2009, with the first phase of the facilities being inaugurated just six months later, in April 2010. The EAC, as it is popularly known, has represented one of the largest investments in engineering and construction in the West. Both public organizations and private companies have invested incalculable sums to make it a reality. Its area is equivalent to more than half of the city of Seville. The security of the facilities is of the highest level, with NATO being responsible for its protection.

Officially, only the general public has been made aware that the EAC is going to dedicate itself to the Hermes project, whose purpose is the development of a new generation of space shuttles. Unofficially, there are voices that argue that both its extension and the secrecy of the facilities hide something else. Above all, when in theory its construction has been completed, but works have been confirmed until beyond 2020.
What is clear is that the European Aerospace Center has become a strategic resource of maximum civil and military interest. That is why it is rumored that it has managed to attract the greatest geniuses of the West to work, side by side, to bring humankind closer to space. Furthermore, recent news has confirmed that starting in September 2012, a select group of university students, about to graduate in aerospace engineering, will be able to participate in the Hermes Project, within a pilot test of a new program that brings together the best students. to the most cutting-edge companies and projects.