Dear #MarkedbyOdin, after some very hard weeks for everyone, it seems that step by step the return to the vaunted “new normality” is beginning to be glimpsed. And although something tells me that we still have a long way to go, I think it is a good time to catch up on all the news from Mark of Odin.
After the announcement of the de-escalation in stages, we have gradually resumed normal activity in Mark of Odin. First it was with the reactivation of the paperback editions sale in April. This was followed by unlocking the free shipping with the Post, once they accepted the shipping of books again. Which led us to withdraw the direct discount of 2€. Then, once almost all of Spain went to Stage 1 and it was already possible to leave home, after more than two months active, we decided to also end the 50% discount promotion in the Digital Pack.
Making all these discounts and promotions on these dates has been a great effort, but it was the right thing to do. Now that step by step we are back to normal, I hope we can stabilize both in sales and in work rate. In fact, in May, although market consumption continues to suffer a great deal due to the pressing economic crisis that we all face, sales have recovered and we have started to recover optimal levels. I hope that in June things will improve and we can further strengthen our position.
This week we have also reached an important milestone. We have managed to exceed 90,000 readers exclusively on external digital platforms. And we did it the same day that Mark of Odin: The Awakening returned to the Top 1 of science fiction on Amazon! So even if we go slowly, we continue to grow and the magical goal of surpassing the total 100,000 readers of the saga is getting closer.
About new contents, in May we have maintained the commitment to offer you a new extended story each week. Specifically, you have been able to enjoy:
- Rista: The First Silver Twin
- Mista: The Second Silver Twin
- Eskandal: The one that whispers to the machines
- Jack Preston: Family Reunion
Tomorrow you will have another new one, the second in the series of Eskandal’s Notes, entitled: The symbiote. And on the waiting list to be published we already have:
- Luis: Healing the wounds
- Freya: Forged by Fate
- María Luces: The determination
- Harlequin: The Fruit of Eden
- Alexandra: The Healer
- Alvit: The Historian
And many, many more that are still in the pre-production phase.
As you can see you will still have many stories to read and enjoy while we make time for the third book. In this matter my plans remain more or less the same. My idea is to be able to focus on Ragnarok production after the release of Haxity, if the necessary factors are given so that I can focus as I need for a few months.
So talking about Haxity, I have to tell you that the deadlines are delayed a little more. We had planned to launch the game this May 26th, but finally we announced that we delay it for a few weeks. The truth is that Haxity looks great, we are having very positive feedback, but we need a little more time to continue polishing it. If all goes well on June 17th we will finally launch its Early Access on Steam. I encourage you all again to add it to your wish list on Steam. And if you want to try it for free during its beta, I encourage you to tell me on the Off-Topic channel of our Discord community.
Finally, we have made some improvements in our website for those who access it from mobile devices, to make it easier for you to access the options of the Right Menu (on PC). I also prepared a video tutorial to take the first steps in it, to try to help as much as possible in the registration process and access to extended content.
As you can see, we are living in very uncertain times but at the same time very exciting ones when it comes to Mark of Odin. Also, behind the scenes I keep working to get more surprises to enhance this project. Although nothing I can share at the moment, just be sure that we continue to move, we continue to fight.

And with this we come to the end of this letter. As always, I want to thank all of you who continue to support us. Whether it is sharing our publications, recommending the books, publishing your opinions in the Opinions section and, of course, those who keep us company on a daily basis in our Discord community. Thank you!
Remember, all is connected.
Xavier Marcé