Dear #MarkedbyOdin, being at the same doors to enter at full speed to Christmas parties is the best time to write to you. Not only to wish you good holidays and a prosperous new year 2020, but also to update you on all the news about Mark of Odin.



The first thing to note is that just last Friday we finally published The Hidden Signal, the third and final bonus chapter for Mark of Odin: Road to Valhalla. Finally I have been able to offer you more than 50 pages of epic history with Sváva das Sif as great protagonist. When you complete your reading you can indicate it in The Community and thus unlock the new achievement ‘Detective’. Do not forget to share your review so we can read what you think.

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‘The Hidden Signal’ has not been the only novelty in the content section this month, since a week before we published the extended story ‘Inertia Inhibitor’ in which at the hand of the always skilled Eskandal we discover new aspects and details, as well as facts that happen after the second book.


With all this, the way to face the production of the final draft of Mark of Odin: Ragnarok is more paved than ever. Mind you, we are still going to publish new extended accounts for Road to Valhalla. There is a lot on the waiting list in the absence of being able to finish the audiovisual productions that accompany them. In addition, I may increase its number further with some additional stories in the coming months.

On the other hand, my goal is to be able to organize myself next year so that I can have the necessary months to dedicate myself exclusively to this task. It’s a complicated thing, due to my job responsibilities, but everything I’m doing right now is aimed at getting it. My hope is that in 2020 we can see the final draft of the third book completed and, with good luck, launch the second one in English as well.


In this matter I want to tell you that we continue with the efforts to expand Mark of Odin to new regions and languages. As I mentioned earlier, we are in conversations with many people and these are processes that require a lot of time. Despite this, I can tell you that we already have the first path that will reach the desired horizon. In January I hope to announce the first agreement to bring the saga to a new region and language. For the moment, I can only give you the clue that it is a very epic place, fundamental for the development of our civilization and whose mythology competes with the Nordic in an epic way!

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I have full confidence that this will be the first signed contract of many others that will follow it over the next year. Being able to improve our presence in other countries and be translated into more languages ​​will greatly help us strengthen the international image of Mark of Odin and reach thousands of potential new readers.


I will not get tired of saying it, but achieving a cohesive community is vital for us to continue growing and improve your experience of readers and users. That is why I encourage you to join us at Discord and share your impressions of the books and bonus chapters in the Opinions Section, and / or on external platforms. They are crucial to convince new readers to join.


This year 2019 has been a year of investing a lot and planting even more for me. It has been a great effort, both personally and economically, but aimed at only one thing: Make Mark of Odin grow and prepare a giant leap. In 2020 I hope that everything sets to be able to collect many fruits and fly very high with all of you.


I say goodbye again wishing you a very happy holiday. Enjoy family, friends, tasty meals and good drink (although in moderation and care if you have to drive). Charge batteries, leave behind everything that weighs you and look up to face the new year decisively. In 2020 we will be unstoppable!

Remember, all is connected.

Xavier Marcé

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